Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eulogy for Edna LeGendre

What I’m going to tell you will come as no surprise and it’s really no secret – I had the greatest grandma in the whole world!

From the time my sister and I were born, Auntie Edna was there to help take care of us, raise us, and love us. She would always take us in when there was nowhere else to go. She taught me unconditional love.

Auntie Edna loved people and would always tell stories about the people she met along her journey in life, friends she had as a child, people she knew in Trinidad, and even people she met on the bus or train. She enjoyed hearing people’s life stories and she always wanted to give helpful advice or lend a helping hand.

You may know that Auntie Edna like to “collect” things, but at the heart of it she was a true environmentalist. She believed everything had a purpose and could be reused. She kept everything! And some days this was to our benefit. One night my mom stopped for gas in a rush and drove off without putting the gas cap back on. Somehow this was Auntie Edna’s fault for making her rush, so when we arrived at the destination and she realized it was missing, she started fussing. Quietly a hand reached up from the backseat and I heard my grandma say “Can you use this?” YES, she was holding a gas cap. It wasn’t a perfect fit, but she definitely saved the day. I couldn’t believe it. I mean who on earth carries a gas cap in their purse? That was my grandma, always there at the right time with the right remedy.

Honestly, I thought she would live forever. She was always so strong and youthful. The effects of the stroke were hard on her – not being able to speak was so tough because SHE WAS A WONDERFUL STORYTELLER, not being able to walk and come and go as she pleased was hard because SHE WAS A ROAD WARRIOR, not being able to sing or play the piano was very difficult because SHE WAS A TALENTED MUSICIAN, not being able to cook was also hard because SHE WAS A GREAT CHEF and proud of her cuisine.

She was old-fashioned and had conventional wisdom. She had experienced life to the fullest with the means that she had. SHE WASN’T JUST AN OBSERVER (though she did observe a lot). If there was food – she ate, wine – she drank, music – she danced. This was the life she lived.

Auntie Edna loved her parents and remembered them often. Sometimes she would cry and we would ask what’s wrong? She would say that she was remembering her mother or father. Her mother had nine children and Edna was the oldest. As the oldest she had a lot of responsibilities and she took care of all of her siblings… and probably many of you in the room today.

There is so much more that I could tell you about my grandmother – like her love for plants, how she fell asleep often, how she loved roasted peanuts and vanilla ice cream, or how she loved the ocean. I think the most important thing was that she liked to laugh and enjoy herself. “You make I laugh” she used to say. And that’s how I remember her and I hope you do too. Be good to one another, be there for your family and friends, laugh with one another and don’t miss an opportunity to look your loved ones in the eyes and say “I love you”.

When I would leave Auntie Edna for the night, she would say “dream of me.” And I took her literally, until I realized that my dreams, not just at night but the dreams for my life are about her. They are about realizing a better life for my family and leaving the world a better place than when I got here by loving unconditionally and helping those in need. So Auntie Edna, I can tell you that I dream of you every day and I love you. Rest in the loving arms of Christ and be in peace eternally.

Written by: Shara Darden (Edna LeGendre's granddaughter)